For theeeee first time in regards to this show, I have a team that is more than two people. Back in 2015, I put a call out online re help with movement and kindly, John Berkavitch responded. It’s pretty much been history since. Our creative relationship has grown as well a friendship. I have learned a lot from this man.
So now I have to stop thinking about everything. I have people to do that now, meaning all I have to focus on is – the script and the performance. Does it feel weird? YES! Do I like it? Yes and no. I realized that I’m a control freak with my shit and who wouldn’t be? I have worked on this project for so long, I want to get it right, I’d want anyone on the team to understand that it’s very personal to me and thankfully – I have this. I have people that get the context of this story and are ready to make it as amazing as it can be!