Hello. So. Sick. Man. Long month man. So yeah. Wow. Let’s talk. Let’s actually talk. Why don’t you stick with me please. Long time. It’s exciting to be back. Really is. Feel like we need it. Stuff is just getting- it’s easter which is great but it’s STUFFY. I’m feeling so stuffy. Need that. That. Boxed.in bixness bix bix beh beh what I’m trying say is we need some POEMS.
Deborah Debris Stevenson.
Index fingers pointing up the temple she’s that wot.
Aisling Towl
Special writer and performer we’re very grateful to share with you.
Of course Boxedin is nothing without the open mic. Please come on by to do some poems and remember the sign up is at seven! Anything before and your name will not be taken down.
We are FREE and end at NINE and we love you thank you you’ve been great!